Tuesday 22 September 2015

5 Easy Meditation Steps for Beginners

1.  Choose a time where you will be fully free:

If you are not free and try to meditate your thoughts will keep bombarding your mind, so it will be difficult for you to calm your mind.

2.  Choose a silent place where there is no disturbance:

3. Sit in Padmasana Posture for Meditation:

It is the most popular and well-known pose. This could become your favorite yoga pose for meditation as it keeps your spine erect.

4. Keep relatively empty stomach:

A good time to meditate is before having a meal. After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to   meditate when you are very hungry. You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking   about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours after having food.
5. Breath Deeply:

This helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind in to a peaceful   meditative state.

As you come close to the end of the meditation, don't be in a hurry to open your eyes and start moving about. Open your eyes slowly and gradually and take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings.